About Us

Young-Minds.sg is a young vibrant initiative established with the vision of taking online digital learning to a new level. Our mission is to spread literacy beyond ages and to reach every young mind (not by age but by heart) who are ready to learn in a fun way. We are constantly experimenting with new education methodologies and technologies to make education a fun activity, convenient, effective, and accessible to all.

“Anyone who keeps learning stays young – Henry ford”


We believe education is the most powerful weapon to change the world. We focus our efforts to nurture the beauty and creative power of science, technology, engineering, and math, and we make a special effort to spark that same passion in students, and learners of all ages. Whether you are a young student seeking insights into various aspects of the learning; or a working professional; or an adult who likes to expand knowledge base, Young-Minds.sg is the best place to be in.